Sunday, February 22, 2009

ASB Day 2

Today (Sunday) was pretty relaxed. Checked out of one hotel and into the Harrington, my accommodations for the rest of the week. Took a walk and Metro ride over to DOT so I know where I'm going tomorrow.

There was supposed to be a group run at 4pm, but nobody showed. So, I went on my own monument run. About 90min, and a little over 6.5mi. Of course it wouldn't be a monument run if I didn't show you all the monuments. And no, I don't know what's up with the stupid expressions on my face.

Barack's House from the Ellipse.

World War II Memorial.

Reflecting Pool
(Got my only "Go Blue" here)
Wow, really stupid expression.

Honest Abe
(77 steps from bottom to top)

Jefferson Memorial, Take 1

Jefferson Memorial, Take 2

Washington Monument, from the Jefferson Monument

Washington Monument

The Capital

It wouldn't be an SI run without the National Archives.
(Got my only "Go Bucks" of the run right after this.)

The finish line, Hotel Harrington.

- Brian

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