Both my supervisor, Deena, and the Library Director, Amanda, are Ohio State grads, so in their honor I'm planning on wearing my Michigan wear tomorrow. We have a SI Alumni sponsored mixer after work, so the M stuff will do double duty.
Our meeting at NARA is a go, with several folks from the NTL going along, so it'll be Library Day at College Park on Friday. Should be a good way to wrap up the week.
Managed to do a five-miler after work, making the full lap of the Mall. Should be able to get at least one more in on Friday and maybe Saturday morning before we leave town.
I realized before I started writing this that I hadn't taken any photos today. So, I've taken a couple tonight that illustrate the charm of the Harrington. The photo on the left shows how the bathroom door just clears the toilet, and actually has sort of a notch in the edge for clearance. Photo on the right shows same door hitting the seat. Nice.
Time to do some reading, and then catch a little Daily Show. Promise to be better with the pictures tomorrow.
- Brian