Since late last summer I've been trying to reverse more than a few years of bodily neglect. This has involved working with a personal trainer on a once-per-week basis, cycling, running, walking and to some extent watching my diet.
As part of this I've tracked my weight on a nearly daily basis, weighing myself in the morning before eating breakfast. I've then been entering the info into a spreadsheet and generating pretty graphs. You can take the engineer out of engineering, but you can't take the engineering out of the engineer. Or something like that.Graph shows weekly average weight plotted for each of the last 64 weeks. Average weight for week 1 was 187.2 lbs. and for week 64 (just completed) is 169.1 lbs., for a loss of 18.1 lbs. Also threw a trendline on the data which indicates I'm losing about 0.25 lbs. per week. Max to min loss over the 64 weeks is a higher than the average, working out to 24.5 lbs.
- Brian
Where do we work?
7 years ago